Monday, November 28, 2011

First Post - Best Week in a While

My plan is to post my weekly Medtronic CGM reports and discuss my diet/exercise and treatment protocols on this blog.  Hopefully people will find this interesting and will start a discussion of alternate ways to treat Type I diabetes (and Type II) to the current ADA standard.

To start - and without any real context ;) - this has to be one of my best weeks recorded.  I averaged 90% within range of 70 - 140, but am thinking I need to tighten that range a bit - is 140 really a good number?  I think it should be 120 on the upper end.

One big thing I did that has helped me keep atight control is that I turned on the predictive alarm features of my Revel 523 so I'm now getting alarmed when I start to go high or low, instead of when I'm already hitting a high.

Are these numbers great?  I definitely think there is room for improvement.  On the Hypo side of things a 44 for a low looks pretty low, but I'm really working on my overnight basal rate and hit most of my lows then.  But, I managed to exit the week with a 4% overall below 70 - not bad.

Stay tuned for more details on what I eat to maintain control, how I exercise and other pump details.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My Personal Diabetes Details - Summarized


46 Year Old Type I diabetic, diagnosed at 31 years old
Using a Meditronic Revel 523 Insulin Pump w/ Novolog and a Dexcom CGM
162 lbs, 5' 7"

Paleo based - in a nutshell, I don't eat any grains, rice, or beans.  I don't drink milk and eat very little fruit.  My meals are mainly protein, veggies and fat.  I do use almond meal as a substitute for wheat flour.

Mainly Crossfit with some traditional cardio/weight training.

Normal glucose range 80 - 100 95% of my day
a1c below 6.0 (June 2014 5.9)
blood panel within normal - better than normal range
below 10% bodyfat, high level of cardiovascular fitness